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The Air Cadet Program in Mississauga has shown considerable growth over the last 10 years. Prior to this year, Mississauga hosted 2 Air Cadet Squadrons - No. 845 "Avro Arrow" Squadron in South/Central Mississauga and No. 800 "Black Forest" Squadron in North/West Mississauga.  With Cadet enrollment between the two squadrons topping 450 cadets, it was decided to introduce a brand new squadron to the area. No. 789 "Lt R Hampton Gray VC" Squadron has formed this year in a more central location in Mississauga in order to serve prospective cadets from that area as well as to help to reduce the size of existing squadrons so that they can function better. 789 "Lt R Hampton Gray VC" Squadron parades (meets) on Thursday nights between the hours of 1830hrs and 2130hrs (6:30 pm to 9:30 pm). The squadron's location for the upcoming training year will be announced soon. Squadron cadets are between the ages of 12-18 years of age. For young people interested in joining we will be recruiting (taking on new members) in September of each training year and usually another group in January.  Watch the main page of the website for updates and information as we get closer to those dates. Existing cadets interested in transferring to 789 Squadron should send an email to for more information. 

Supporting Our Community

Fundraising Efforts

We continue to support our local community through the following services

  • Tagging & Poppy selling

  •  Grocery bagging

  • E-waste collection

Please help support 789 Squadron's fundraising efforts by emailing



This is the 789 Lt R Hampton Gray VC Squadron Sponsoring Committee (the SSC) official website. The SSC is the civilian sponsor of the "789 Lt R Hampton Gray VC Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron" (The Squadron).

This website is intended for parents and sponsors of The Squadron, Cadets and prospective Cadets and their parents. The objective is to provide basic information about The Squadron and its events. Information contained herein is proprietary and is intended for the exclusive use of the Cadets of The Squadron and their parents. Information on this website may not be copied or used for any purposes not directly connected with The Squadron.

This website is not intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of the Department of National Defense, the Air Cadet League of Canada, or the Air Cadet League Ontario Provincial Committee. These pages are not provided, endorsed, sponsored or approved by the Department of National Defense or the Air Cadet League of Canada.

Links to external sites may be provided for completeness. Content at external sites is not endorsed by the squadron.

This is not a Canadian Forces website.

If you have any questions or are looking for additional information please direct inquiries to

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